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I’m amazed and grateful to be featured in an article on! I only found out when I noticed an increase in new visitors to my website. AAHHHH I’M SO HAPPY. Link here: 

I’m honoured to be featured in the same article as other highly established names in the local psychic scene, such as Gypsee Jenny and Lynda Woolf. Here’s what the writer, Delfina Utomo, wrote about yours truly:

“Specialising in tarot and psychic readings, Kelly has collaborated with many brands at their events – a session she held with our senior writer, Nafeesa at a Crabtree and Evelyn event left her in tears (of the good sort!).  Kelly describes herself as natural-born spirit channel and psychic medium, and she uses her gifts to facilitate healing, guidance and breakthrough to those who seek assistance along difficult crossroads in their lives’ journeys. Set an appointment now to clear your head!”

Thank you,!

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Seeking assistance from Spirit for love/career/your future, energy healing for people and spaces, or pet communication?

CLICK HERE for more information about my services.

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Or e-mail: [email protected]