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Welcome, Well-Being! is available for download now.


Dear ones,
We live in unprecedented times of change, and this can be disruptive to our inner balance. In response to requests from clients and friends, I’ve developed Welcome, Well-Being! This is my first online course, which combines wisdom from diverse modalities – Spirituality, energy, psychology, and life coaching – to offer you practical tips for sustaining a STRONG, STABLE, and LASTING sense of peace, joy, and fulfilment. Yes, even in challenging times!
If you have ever struggled with stress, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, over-thinking, or any other challenge to your own well-being, please watch the FREE pre-order videos below. They offer tips, exercises, and guided meditations to release you from negativity and put you on the right track to your personal healing and breakthrough.
The information in these videos has helped so many of my clients, and myself as well – I am confident that these videos will benefit you too. And if these videos resonate with you, then I am happy to share this with you…
Welcome, Well-Being! is now available for download. 
It consists of:
  • 9 modules
  • 16 videos
  • 3 hours and 51 minutes of educational videos distilling my years of experience and knowledge of energy healing + emotional realignment
  • 7 powerful guided meditations, one for each chakra (and more)
  • 1 workbook to help you keep on track with the content-intensive videos
And it’s all yours for the affordable price of $197 SGD (U.P. $247)!
If you’d like to find out what this course is like, check out the three FREE videos below for a taster of what the whole course is like – if it resonates with you, then you’ll likely find the course to be a good fit for your needs. Click on the button below for your purchase and you’re all done!
For enquiries, please email [email protected] and we’re more than happy to help you.
Meanwhile, please enjoy these three FREE videos, and remember:
You have a Divine right and a sacred responsibility to prioritise, create, and sustain your own well-being.
You are wise and strong when you choose to optimise your wellness and personal growth.
You deserve true joy, peace, and balance. You deserve well-being.
It is my prayer that, whichever path you take, you choose to make your own well-being a top priority.
Be well – and welcome, well-being!
Love and Light
Kelly xoxo

White Light Meditation 9:09

Your Spiritual Self-Defense

Hypnosis 8:41

Focus Your Mind and Spirit for Better Efficiency

Anti-Anxiety Tips 11:23

Beat Stress with ABCDE

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