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Kelly Lightworker offers Tarot readings, animal communication sessions, mediumship readings, psychic readings, and energy healing sessions. A natural-born channel of Spirit, Kelly works chiefly with the Goddesses and Angels. She is based in Singapore. 

(TW: suicide, gore)

It began with an email.

Dear Kelly,

My friend Steve passed away a couple of years ago. He took his own life. I recently remembered him again and I just wanna know if you can offer any services to help? I just hope he’s okay, I’m really worried about him. Also, I think maybe he’s reappeared to help in my own spiritual growth. I think I might be psychic.

Here’s his obituary, including his photo and birth name if you need any details.


I get requests like these occasionally. Usually, the first step is to tune in and figure out if the deceased person has crossed over into the afterlife – into eternal peace, reconnection with the Universe, and soul healing. With a suicide, the chances of that are slim to none. I’ve only known of one suicide who crossed over of their own accord.

Shirley, my trustworthy assistant and right-hand woman, replied.

Hi Regina,

Thank you for reaching out. My name is Shirley and I serve as Kelly’s administrative support. I have consulted Kelly and she can help you tune in for a token fee. Please let us know if you wish to proceed.


Weeks passed, then months. Regina never replied; soon, we forgot her.

But it was Steve I couldn’t really get out of my mind. Gazing into his deep, dark eyes filled with sorrow and suffering, a pale face framed with large vintage spectacles, I knew beyond all doubt that he was probably still trapped here on earth. Without the help of a psychopomp – a spirit or human who assists souls in transiting to the afterlife – it would be difficult for Steve to find a way out.

I don’t tell people I’m a psychopomp (at least, I didn’t till now). There’s a lot about my Lightwork that the public doesn’t know, and I’m happy to keep it that way. I had no idea how or why Regina decided to contact me. But I had lots of cases to deal with, and unless Steve could somehow insert himself into my to-do list, all I could do was wish him well… and let the case go.


Six months later, we got another email.

Dear Kelly,

My name is Jessica and I need your help. In the past couple of weeks, my family and I keep sensing the presence of a friend who died some years ago. I’m scared for my family and myself, and I’m also very worried for my friend. Why did he come back? I’ve already booked a spirit communication session with you. I’ve read your policy and I understand I’m supposed to send you his details so you can tune in beforehand. Enclosed please note his obituary. Looking forward to our session.


A haunting. This counted as urgent. I clicked on the attachment and froze.

Deep, dark eyes filled with sorrow and suffering. A pale face framed with large vintage spectacles. Steve.

It took a while before I could speak. I cleared my throat quietly and whispered, but I knew my every word was carefully noted by an unseen presence:

“Good work, Steve. You’ve got my attention. Now, how can I help you?”


Once I gave permission to contact me, the signs began almost immediately. The Evanescence hit song, ‘Bring Me To Life’ (featuring a music video where the protagonist falls/jumps off a building), started playing in my head on an endless loop. Articles about depression began popping up on my social media feeds – especially articles that discussed the impact of dysfunctional family dynamics on depression and suicide rates. Steve was carefully piecing together his life story for my benefit, whilst behaving himself and respecting my boundaries. He was a nice guy. I liked him.

On the day of the session, I was driving home when my intuitive senses went on high alert. Someone had entered my house.

I had a feeling I knew who it was. Opening the door, I saw Steve from behind – a frail young man in a baggy polo tee and crumpled trousers. He stood shyly, his back facing me as he stared at the Guan Yin statue on my altar. He didn’t turn or greet me; I didn’t see his face. But no worries. I briskly walked past him, greeted my confused cats who were staring at the spirit in their living room, and entered my reading room.

It was time. I called Jessica, who picked up the call almost immediately.

“Thank you so much for your time, Kelly. The past few weeks have been terrifying.”

“What happened?”

“It started with the smell of his cologne. We smelt it everywhere in the house. Then we noticed that our folded laundry and bedsheets were always messed up once we turned our backs. The worst incident was yesterday. I swear – in broad daylight – I saw Steve standing in the corridor, outside my bedroom window. His back was turned to me but I knew it was him. I was so scared… I was screaming and crying. My mother rushed out to the corridor to look for him, but no one was there.”

Jessica paused. “I’m scared, not just for myself and my family, but for Steve. Why is he back? Why can’t he move on? How do we help him?”

“Jessica, Steve can’t move on because he never moved on. Suicides, especially those who struggled with unresolved mental health issues or other unfinished business, tend to be stuck on earth after their passing. For various reasons, they either can’t or won’t cross over into the afterlife and receive their healing. Being an earthbound spirit is hard. No one can see you. You’re all alone and hurting. Other earthbound spirits might be malicious and there’s no one to protect you from harm.”

“Oh god… that’s terrible. Poor Steve.”

“I believe that Steve really wants to cross over and heal right now. He’s been a wandering soul for the past couple of years after his death, and he’s had enough.”

“What do we do? What can I do? I’ll help in any way I can.”

I smiled. Jessica was a true friend to Steve. “I’ll escort him over myself. You can help by giving offerings and prayers for his safe transit.”

“I’m Buddhist, but Steve was Christian. Can I still make offerings to Guan Yin on his behalf?”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

I looked up. Steve stepped into my reading room as I ended the call. He was surrounded by the Archangels and led by Guan Yin. Slowly, he turned towards me. His eyes glowed with happiness and anticipation.

I smiled at him. “You’re ready to go, huh.”

Steve nodded. Or at least, he tried to nod… or did he? It was hard to tell. Most of Steve’s lower jaw was missing; shattered pieces of bone and teeth hung limply from the lower half of his ruined face. Without a jaw to hold it back, his tongue slobbered limply over his hollow, blood-drenched chest. His rib cage had burst open and some organs were hanging out. He’d clearly died on impact from the suicidal fall that took his life – there was no way Steve could have survived that. And the poor young man had been suffering since then, trapped here for years with nowhere to go. Until he reached out and found me.

With the assistance of the Goddess and the Archangels, I sent Steve over. He crossed into the afterlife with a look of joy and wonder in his eyes, and one last look at me as if to say “Thank you”. 

And then he was gone. Finally, Steve could begin to heal.


It ended with two emails and a surprise appearance.

Some weeks after, Jessica updated me. The haunting had stopped completely. The house no longer felt dark and depressing. Recently, Steve appeared in Jessica’s dreams and thanked her for her help. I was glad for the update and wished her well.

Several months after Jessica’s update, Regina emailed again.

Dear Kelly,

Hi! Sorry for the long delay. I decided to go on a long holiday and discover my spiritual talents, connect with my soul, it really felt good! I think maybe I can be a spiritual leader in this lifetime, do you know that my name means ‘Queen’? I think this is my destiny. I’m so intuitive, like remember how I told you I could sense my dead friend? Yeah so anyway I’m back just to ask if maybe you know what happened to him?

Love and Light!
Starseed Regina

This email came in while Shirley and I were having lunch at my favourite café. I got Shirley to reply.

Hi Starseed Regina,

This is Shirley, Kelly’s administrative support. We are pleased to inform you that Kelly has escorted your friend into the afterlife.


I sipped my matcha latte while Shirley sent the email. Then Shirley paused.

“… Uhhh, Kelly, Regina just replied. Again. And she’s transferred you fifty dollars. To thank you for your help, apparently.”

I was about to retort irritably that I didn’t need her money when Someone I didn’t expect appeared and stood behind me. The atmosphere changed. I sat up straight, quietly, and paid attention. The bustle around me, in the café where we were having lunch, faded into silence.

From behind me, Guan Yin’s low and gentle voice spoke directly into my mind:

Steve wishes to pay you for your trouble. Accept this token from him.

“I will do. Thank you. Please thank him for me, Mother.”

From a distance, I could sense a slim, pale face framed with large vintage spectacles – his lower jaw now fully healed – breaking into a smile. And then the vision faded.


There are two types of friends: the type that cares about you, and the type that cares about themselves.

Steve had to reach out to me twice, through two friends, before I could get on board to help him cross over. Without Jessica’s courageous help, he might still be stuck here. I’m glad Steve had Jessica, and I’m glad I have friends who care for me.

Be careful of the friends you keep. And that’s all for now.


We hope you enjoyed this story! While the events are true, some details may have been altered (or different stories combined) to safeguard the individuals’ privacy.

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