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Kelly Lightworker offers Tarot readings, animal communication sessions, mediumship readings, psychic readings, and energy healing sessions. A natural-born channel of Spirit, Kelly works chiefly with the Goddesses and Angels. She is based in Singapore. 

“I want us to be lifelong friends. What does the Tarot say about that?”

Cathy’s eyes were smiling. This was her first Tarot reading: she was both fascinated and (a tiny bit) freaked out by the accuracy of the cards. From the start of the reading, when her Tarot-reading friend accidentally dropped a card while shuffling and casually asked, “Was it your father you had that big fight with recently?” – Jesus and Mother Mary, how did Kelly know?! – Cathy was hooked, and her questions kept coming.

“Yeah, why not? Let’s ask.” Seated before Cathy, across the table in a quiet café, Kelly laid out the cards. But as she laid her eyes on the cards, Kelly’s happy grin dimmed into a quiet, vaguely confused frown.

A brief lull. Cathy glanced sideways at her husband, Roland, who merely shrugged. Then Cathy broke the silence. “What does it say?”

“The cards say we’ll be… busy. You could be relocating, and then we might gradually lose touch. But this will be a good move. You will be happy.”

Cathy nodded. She had been thinking of migrating, after all, although she wasn’t planning to leave Singapore for a few more years. “That’s good to know, but I want us to keep in touch and grow our friendship. After all, you said that the Tarot points out likely outcomes, but we choose our destinies. Right?”

“Right!” Kelly picked up the cards briskly, said a quick prayer and placed them back in their little drawstring bag. The cheeky grin was back on her face when she turned to Cathy. “Dessert?”


Sometimes you meet someone and you just know they’re going to be special in your life. That was the feeling I got when I first met Cathy at a training course. After the initial mild awkwardness of getting to know each other, we got along like a house on fire.

Cathy was no ordinary young lady. She had an inner fire that burnt strong and pure; she was honest and authentic, loving and trustworthy. This was a young woman who believed in standing up for what is right; who, as a child, fought her sister’s bullies at the playground; who had so much love to give and wisdom to share. Cathy was awesome.

After the training course ended, we weren’t likely to see each other again. However, Cathy and I made the effort to keep in touch, and so we did over the next three years – mainly through text. Whenever our schedules aligned, we met up as well: a mere handful of times, but always a wonderful bonding experience, and a rarity considering how fiercely introverted I usually am. Cathy was just that extraordinary.

We had a Tarot reading the second-last time we met up. Cathy brought along her husband, Roland, a quiet young man with an equally pure and loving heart. My heart warmed as I saw them together – Cathy chatting with me and laughing while Roland sat beside her, his calm and protective gaze on his wife. Now that’s a couple in love, I thought to myself.

After that, the three of us met up one more time. This time, Roland greeted me with a bear hug – I’d passed his test, I suppose – and we walked into a lovely Greek restaurant where Cathy was waiting for us with tall glasses of chilled mocktails, perfect for a hot humid evening. We had a great time. And then we said goodbye.


I stared mutely at my phone. My heart pounded in horror at the text I’d just read.

Roland here. I’m sorry Cathy didn’t confirm her dinner appointment with you some weeks back. She suffered a massive stroke, and she’s only just out of ICU. Do you want to come and visit?

It took a while before I could type a response. My fingers had simply gone numb and I was making crazy typos. Finally I replied: Yes. Of course. So sorry to hear. Can I come tomorrow?

The wait for Roland’s reply took only a few minutes but I almost passed out from the tension. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Cathy was young. This could not be happening. I couldn’t believe –

I startled at the phone buzzing in my hand.

I’m sorry but too many visitors tomorrow. Maybe next week?

My heart sank, but it couldn’t be helped. Yes. Sure. Let me know if you need anything.

Thanks. I’ll update you.


That was Friday.

I spent Saturday and Sunday working, but with my mind perpetually on Cathy. To respect her privacy, I did not tune in to her – this goes against my ethical principles, and I will never spy on people like that. Still, it was painful having to keep moving forward with my own life and wonder what was happening to Cathy, my friend whom I had grown to love like a little sister.

I was going to text again on Monday and arrange a visit. I’d started prepping a care package for Cathy. I was keeping her and Roland in my prayers. It felt like I was dancing on burning coals – wanting so much to be there for them, but also keeping a distance and respecting their privacy.

I couldn’t wait to see Cathy again.


Roland’s update came on Monday.

Cathy passed away on Saturday morning. The wake starts tomorrow. The cremation is on Wednesday. I’ll send you details.


It’s said that the first thirty days after a stroke are the most unpredictable, and the most crucial. They determine how well the person will recover, and how the person’s likely quality of life will be in the time they have left.

Cathy was saved by emergency surgery. She recovered well – she was young, after all, and had a ferocious will to live. She also wanted to attend her brother’s wedding, which was originally planned to be held the next month, and for which she had been the designated emcee. They decided to postpone the wedding; Cathy promised she would get well, as well as possible, and emcee that wedding come what may.

The first three weeks were promising. Cathy stayed strong for her whole family. Despite moments of despair – Mama, why did God allow this to happen to me? – Cathy maintained her optimism and continued to pray for healing. After the third week, she was scheduled to be warded in another hospital to receive physiotherapy.

On Friday night, Cathy began complaining of headaches. But the MRIs all showed nothing wrong.

On Saturday morning – Day 24 – while being dressed, Cathy collapsed once more and never woke up again.


All this was told to me at Cathy’s wake by her parents and some close family friends. Roland wasn’t there – he was resting at home in the day and would hold the fort at the wake that night.

I stood by Cathy’s coffin for a long time, praying. She looked at peace. The morticians had done a great job of placing a Roman Catholic rosary in her clasped hands in a way that looked natural and graceful.

You go first, Cathy. Be at peace. Do not linger. Do not look back. Go into the Light. You are safe there. If we are meant to meet again, we will.

Goodbye, Cathy. Goodbye.


“I want us to be lifelong friends. What does the Tarot say about that?”

I couldn’t help but smile as I looked into Cathy’s bright, eager eyes. “Yeah, why not? Let’s ask.”

I was certain we would be friends for life. Why not? I had found in Cathy a sisterly bond that I would not give up for the world. A three-card spread would suffice.

Ace of Pentacles reversed. Ten of Wands. Six of Swords.

This friendship will never truly progress. What you have now is the best you’ll ever have out of your time together. In a year or so, Cathy will leave for a faraway place. You will lose touch.

Not the happy ever after I’d envisioned.

I stared at the cards, lost in their solemnity. Cathy broke the silence. “What does it say?”

I paused. Then I finally exhaled the breath I didn’t realise I’d been holding all along. My heart full of love and a strange, quiet ache, I raised my eyes and looked at her: my lifelong friend, my dear little sister Cathy.

“The cards say we’ll be… busy. You could be relocating, and then we might gradually lose touch.

“But this will be a good move. You will be happy.”


We hope you enjoyed this story! While the events are true, some details may have been altered (or different stories combined) to safeguard the individuals’ privacy.

To book a session with Kelly:

For enquiries: or email [email protected]

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