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I’ve known June for about eleven years now. She owns a pet shop and a pet grooming service. Also, June is an independent community cat feeder, as well as an animal rescuer and foster. She was one of the first few people who came to my aid with advice and support when I picked up my first two animal rescues (two newborn kittens tied up in a plastic bag and thrown in a rubbish chute, whom I named Pip and Doe).

As you can guess, June has many animal companions, both living and deceased. She’s also not a huge believer in Spirit, so I don’t impose my beliefs on her by talking about the animal spirits I see in her shop – many of them her own deceased pets or rescues, crossing back over the Rainbow Bridge for a little while to visit her and send her love.

So I was surprised when June brought up the topic of deceased loved pets returning from the Light to visit.

“I believe they come back to visit. Usually as insects, really interesting looking ones. Here, have a look.” June took out her smartphone and began showing us pictures of brilliantly coloured butterflies and beetles, a moth with perfectly transparent gossamer wings, and a humongous grasshopper with its lower left hind leg missing.

“They all appeared within days of my animals passing on. The grasshopper’s story is really touching. A few days before, I rescued a large golden retriever that had been abused and abandoned. His left hind leg had been crushed by something heavy, and it was gangrenous. The vets had to amputate immediately at the knee joint to save his life. He survived the operation, but passed on the next day.

“We were heartbroken. Then on the seventh day of his passing, my assistant groomer saw this grasshopper perched at the front door of the shop. She took a photo, and it was only then that we realised it was missing a limb too. I think that dear dog wanted to come back to say thank you, and to let us know he’s fine now.

“So if you’re talking about whether animals have spirits and whether they come back to visit, I definitely can say now that I believe. There’s just too much proof not to believe.”

*          *          *

I often get asked by friends and clients how to notice the signs when their deceased loved ones return. Sometimes I’m also asked by grieving clients if I can invoke or summon them to appear at a mediumship session.

My response to invoking or summoning spirits, especially when the spirit is recently deceased and the bereaved person is asking from a place of desperate grief and sorrow, is No. It’s a bad idea.

When people and/or animals pass on, they undergo a process when their souls make a transition, leaving the physical body to move into the Light. There, they essentially start all over again: accepting and healing after the fact of their deaths, and learning how to function as Spirit without physical constraints such as space, time, the need to eat or sleep, etc.

They also get acquainted with an entirely new and different ecosystem. There is a lot to learn, especially if these souls weren’t believers when they were alive. Imagine having to get up to speed on Angels, elementals, earthbound spirits, entities, ley lines, Universal energies… you get the idea. And I haven’t even started on the Life Review yet!

So rushing a newly deceased Spirit to come back and visit you when they’re still handling so much on their end does not make for a good Spiritual connection. Two scenarios are likely to arise – I’m sharing them based on what I’ve learnt, observed and experienced:

  • The Spirit does turn up, but he/she is busy, distracted and possibly still traumatised from the transition process. Consequently, the messages aren’t clear and the connection isn’t strong or meaningful, disappointing everyone involved.
  • A slightly more risky outcome is this: an imposter appears. Sometimes, earthbound spirits, mischievous elementals or negative entities appear and pretend to be the deceased loved one. Their intentions usually are self-serving, sometimes even malicious, and rarely – if ever – benefit the living.

Some months back, I had to deal with a client who insisted on contacting her friend who had committed suicide less than 48 hours earlier. I had to keep explaining to her, over and over again, as patiently and clearly as I could, that the time wasn’t right for a connection. In response, her rude, sulky replies and passive-aggressive tantrums were pretty awful, and convinced me that her intentions for connecting with her recently deceased friend were more about self-entitlement than genuine concern.

As much as I understand that people who grieve for their deceased loved ones desire re-connection and closure, we can’t simply conjure Spirit for our own objectives. Here’s a way to connect with the Spirits of deceased loved ones without stressing them out or compromising your own safety:

  1. Pray. Prayer, when spoken from the truest depths of one’s heart and soul, is indescribably powerful. It doesn’t matter if you have a religion or not. If you don’t know whom to address your prayer to, just speak in your heart and mind to the Universe. Pour your heart out. Tell the Universe and Spirit how much you miss those persons and/or pets – they’re listening, and giving you love in any way they can.
  2. If you want to be specific in prayer, ask Archangel Michael (upholder of God’s truth), Archangel Raphael (guardian of healing), Archangel Gabriel (who specialises in emotional healing and communication), and/or Archangel Uriel (guardian of the earthly realm – he can help with deceased pets) for their assistance. Again, you don’t need a religion to connect with Angels and Archangels – they love you and are willing to help so long as you ask!
  3. When you pray, request with love and respect to the Universe for the Spirits of your deceased loved ones to connect with you at a time and in a way that is appropriate, for the greatest and highest good of all. Pray in faith, trusting that the Universe hears the cry of your heart, and that Spirit will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
  4. If you wish, you can ask for signs. Simple signs like a favourite song or scent, a dream, finding feathers or coins, or seeing a certain animal would be possible for a newly deceased Spirit to accomplish. Bear in mind that the final call is theirs to make, and keep your heart, mind and eyes open for their response.
  5. Be patient. In my experience with my own deceased loved ones, I’ve had some return to visit within hours of their passing, but I’ve also had one beloved soul who took 14 years to see me!

Some thoughts to round up this topic (for now):

Grief can feel like abandonment. Even when our minds tell us it’s inevitable for people and pets to pass on, our hearts and souls feel forsaken and rejected. That’s why grief hurts so horribly.

My heart goes out to you if you are currently experiencing a loss of a loved one. My comfort to you is this: think of death as your loved one leaving you, but only for a little while, to a faraway country where they must acclimatise before they can return to visit. And visit, they will.

May Universal Love, God’s Light, and every Spiritual blessing be with you.
Bless, Kelly <3

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The stories on this website (including the above recounts) are based on Kelly’s experiences as a lightworker. Some details have been changed to protect the identities of the individuals involved.